Imagine a tool that gives you 10 lead magnets suggestions based on a particular niche.
You enter the lead magnet on the first tool, which asks who is your avatar and the pain you want to solve.
The tool spits out 10 suggestions, THEN asks you which one of these ideas you would like to develop further.
After you respond which one, then the second tool creates the lead magnet.
The way formwise works now, you have to copy / paste from the first tool, reenter avatar, pain points you want to solve onto tool #2 for the lead magnet to be created.
What I was proposing is chaining these 2 tools, such that the user responds before the 2nd tool kicks in....all in one step.
This is useful because the user won’t have to be copying and pasting from one tool to another and answering questions already answered, and for prompting, we can chain the tools the way we can cleverly chain the prompts.
I know that a feature like this requires some sort of “user login”. That's why I am suggesting this inside HL....hopefully this could work under that environment.